The Flux Capacitor

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

To the jerkoff in the PT Cruiser...

Yeah, I'm talking to you. I was riding behind you on Haverhill Street in North Reading, on my way to the train so I can go to work. Yes, I was riding a little too close to you, because you were going too slow and there was nobody in front of you. Not only were you aware that I was right behind you, you took it upon yourself to slam on the brakes for no reason, maybe hoping that I would slam into you? Due to my wonderful driving skills, I did not slam into you as you had wished, but you then proceeded to roll down your window, pull your whole arm out and give me the finger.

Now I understand I might have been riding your ass a little too close. But I deal with assholes like you all the time... in the 'burbs, it seems that people think that the speed limit is 30 MPH. I can lightly rest my foot on the gas and I am going at least 45. But what I do not understand is why you decided to slam on your brakes. Did you really want me to hit you? What would that have solved? Wouldn't it have made more sense to actually just go the speed limit?

So, Mr. Macho PT Cruiser driver, you suck. You deserve to get into an accident very soon. Just not with me.


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