The Flux Capacitor

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Monday, March 06, 2006

And the search continues.

I didn't get that job.

The recruiter told me that the manager really wanted me, but the controller has his concerns. He thought that because of the conversion they are going through, the manager wouldn't be able to spend a lot of time with me, and that I might be overwhelmed supervising 17 people. While it isn't ideal to supervise that many people, I could handle it. And it is certainly better than being here.

What I was wondering is, what are they looking for then? How are they going to find a supervisor with the software experience, and someone who has supervised many people before? Good luck to them, because it might take them awhile to find their "perfect" person.

So now I am back at square one. I am meeting with ANOTHER recruiter tomorrow, and I think the total of recruiters is now at 4 million. Or maybe ten... who's counting. I hope someone can come up with something soon.

But this basically means that I will still be here when Lauren starts in a week. How weird is that going to be?


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