The Flux Capacitor

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Monday, May 23, 2005


Weekend in review:

Friday night: got some food, and Melissa and I watched another six episodes of "24 - Season 1." Awesome stuff.

Saturday: Melissa and I went with Chillier and Prof K. to see "Star Wars III." I have to say that I enjoyed it a lot. I don't wanna ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, so I won't comment on what happens.

It was funny to see all of the Star Wars geeks there... led by their ringleader. Although we didn't see anyone dressed up as anything.

Then at night, Melissa and I finally finished off season 1 of "24" and of course it was great. I still can't believe that damn Nina! I did buy seasons 2 and 3, so when "24" ends on Monday, at least we'll have some more to hold us over until season 5 starts in January.

Sunday: Melissa went to her cousin's wedding shower, and I did some reading for school and some research online. But a weird thing was happening all day... Judy called, telling me that Chris did not go to work this morning... his cell phone was off all day, and no one could get ahold of him or heard from him. We were all worried about what could have happened... so when Melissa got home, I told her, and she spoke to Judy, who then came over. She was extremely worried... so we let her spend the night. He did end up turning up (don't know any more of the details right now). I just hope everything is cool with him.

Ah well... what can you do. And it's Monday, which doesn't help. I am so tired right now.

The season finale of "24" is tonight (two hours) and we're going to Red's parents' house to watch it on their big TV. Thanks for the invite!


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